You will find the contact information for the student parliament at the bottom of this page

Do you feel that the prices for food in the canteen are reasonable? Are there enough places for students to socialize and relax? What do you think about filling the local stream with soda?  Give your voice volume and drive the change! We, the Student-parliament, are a collection of students that are elected each year, and work towards making the everyday life better for all students at OsloMet.

We work for a better everyday life for the students

Oslo Metropolitan University, often referred to as OsloMet, places a significant emphasis on fostering a vibrant and inclusive student democracy within its campus community. The institution recognizes the importance of student participation in shaping not only their educational experience but also the overall university environment. The aim being that through the empowerment of students one hopes to facilitate an arena for sustainable change.

One of the key components of this student democracy is the Student Parliament, which serves as the main representative body for students. The Student Parliament consists of elected student representatives from different faculties and degree programs. These representatives voice the concerns, suggestions, and feedback of the student body to the university administration and decision-makers.

The Student Parliament at OsloMet work every day to make the students’ voices heard in cases that involve us. We work to make sure the student life at OsloMet improves, both socially and academically. Does this sound interesting to you? Or do you have a question?

Please feel free to contact us any time (office hours 09-15):


Office adress: Pilestredet 52, room A-120

The Student Parliament

The Student Parliament at OsloMet consists of 28 elected representatives, drawn from each of the four faculties, ensuring diverse and comprehensive representation. As a valued member of the Student Parliament, you not only articulate the viewpoints of fellow students within your faculty but also play a crucial role in advocating for the unique perspectives of international students. The Student Parliament and other parts of the student democracy hold sway over major fundamental issues at the university. For instance, in budget allocations, governing regulations, and the selection of students to represent us in diverse boards, councils, and other echelons of the student democracy.

Within the Student Parliament pivotal decisions on pertinent matters are made on behalf of fellow students. However, we are committed to voice the concerns and ideas of all students to the institution’s board, which attaches considerable significance to student input when shaping pivotal decisions. Thus, our actions are not based on ideas «plucked out of thin air», but based on our essential cooperation with all levels of the student democracy. Be it student councils or singular students.

You can easily access the list of the Student Parliament members on our website.

If you have any questions about the various committees or would like to get involved, please contact us at, or visit us in person at our offices in Pilestredet 52, room A119/A120.

Other information for International Students

For students
Sometimes it’s hard to know everything you need to know as a new student. On this page you can find some relevant links, as well as tips and tricks that can make your everyday life as a student a little bit better.
First things first, make sure to take a look at OsloMet’s Student site. Here you can find all kind of information relevant to you as a student at OsloMet. Whether, it is specific to your course or program, the digital tools available to you, or what to keep in mind during a new semester.

Want to see what is going on?
You can check out the events calendar at OsloMet’s webpage or check out what is going on in the city of Oslo!

Get involved!
Our best tip for international students is to get academically or socially involved, either as a student representative or in a student association. For more information you can visit SiO’s site for the associations, otherwise have a chat with your course coordinator or send us an email and we will let you know how you can join.

Semester start
In August, both Norwegian and international students start at the same time. During the first weeks of the semester a lot of activities will be arranged for new students, to get a kick-start on their social life at campus. International students will get “buddies” that will help you to get in touch with other students and to get to know the campus and its facilities.
International students arriving for the spring semester will also get a program filled with different activities made by the international office at OsloMet.
For more information you can check out OsloMet’s semester start pages.

Speak up!
We work every day to make your student life as good as possible, but to do that we need your help. Contact us and tell us what you like and what you dislike about OsloMet, and we will do our best to fix it. Feel free to come by our offices at any time for a chat.

Resources for student representatives

Were you lucky enough to be chosen as a student representative in your class? Here you can find some information to get an overview of what you need to know.

Every class chooses one or two student representatives who represent their class in a student council. There’s one student council at each institute. The student council at institute level reports to a faculty council. The faculty council, on its side consists of leaders from the various students councils, the faculty’s members in the Student Parliament and elected leaders of the Committee. They also work together with the leaders of their faculties, who cooperate with the Student Parliament.
For more detailed information about the student democracy at OsloMet check out the photo below or please contact us at

1.0 About being a student representative

During the first weeks of the fall semester, all classes at OsloMet have to choose a main representative and a deputy representative. These students will represent their class for the entire academic year. Although, it is not a problem if some of you are here for just a single semester. If that is the case, a new class representative will be chosen at the beginning of the spring semester.
The main class representative will speak on behalf of their class in meetings with lecturers and administrative staff at OsloMet. They will also represent their class in the student council at institute level.

1.1 Class meetings (klassens time)

A class meeting is a arena where you can inform your fellow students about relevant matters at OsloMet and allows your class to have discussions. It is up to you and your classmates to decide whether your lecturer can partake during the class meetings.
Your class has a right to have one hour per month to discuss relevant matters. As class representative, it is your responsibility to organize these meetings. Check out the PDF below to see an example on how you can organize a class meeting.

1.2 Support services for students

Should your fellow students have issues with your study program, lecturers or the like, they may come to you. In these situations, it is important to know that OsloMet provides a range of different services for students, so that you can inform your fellow students of these services. The services range from the Student advocate (Studentombud), who can provide legal advice, to the University Chaplain or SiO’s counselling services, should students need someone to talk to. You can also see the Student support service page to get an overview of what kind services OsloMet provides.

2.0 Meetings

2.1 Student Council meetings

Each institute has its own student council where all the class representatives are included. In these meetings you can discuss matters that are relevant for students at your institute. You can also discuss interests, ideas and concerns on behalf of your class. The student council can forward these issues to the student faculty council (SFR).

All class representatives will get an invitation to the student council meeting. The board of the student council will schedule and prepare case documents for these meetings. If you have a case you would like to be included on the agenda, please send a written document to your student council so that it can be included in the case documents.

Remember to always read the case documents and do necessary preparations before the meeting.

2.2 Meeting with the course coordinator

As class representative you can address issues you and your class have discussed with the right people. At OsloMet we strive to solve issues at lowest level possible. This entails that should you have a problem with a lecturer or a course, the best way is to address your lecturer. If there are issues that are relevant for several classes at your department these issues can be addressed at the student council meetings. And of course you can always get in touch with your student council if the matter is of a sensitive nature. They will help advice you or let you get in touch with the right people, so as to handle the proceedings in a proper fashion.

Coordinate with your team coordinator/course coordinator how you should schedule meetings. Should it be once a month? Will you participate in all the team meetings with the lecturers?  It is important to plan this early on. It would be smart to try to come up with a possible solution to problems your class might have. After all, it can be difficult to fix a problem if one just says things are not working for us. Additionally, remember it is just as important to say what your class is happy with as what you are unhappy with.

Lastly, it is possible for the course coordinator to set up a meeting for the relevant class representatives, if an issue could be relevant for several classes/groups/levels. Here you can discuss together what is possible, what has been done before that worked/didn’t work, and how to possibly take into account more perspectives so that «the solution» might be a more permanent one, and not something that might work for just your class.

3.0 Course evaluation

As a student at OsloMet you have a right, and a responsibility, to participate in work related to improving the education. As class representative you will be an advocate for enhancing the quality of your course/study program. OsloMet is always seeking to advance and to make improvements, as such they need feedback from their students in form of course evaluations and annual student surveys. It is important that you as a class representative inform and encourage your class to participate in student surveys, such as Studiebarometeret, and course evaluations.

The course evaluations are an important part of the quality assurance system. At the end of each course, your class should evaluate the content and implementation of the course. Here you can find more information about course evaluations and the quality system at OsloMet, as it is an important part of your assignment:

4.0 Problems or challenges?

4.1 Complaints and the Si ifra! System

If someone in your class wishes to file a complaint on matters related to their study program or study environment, we at OsloMet recommend that you try to solve these matters at the lowest level. You can either talk to the person involved or you can file a complaint through the Report it! (Si ifra!) page. Read more about the process:

4.2 Technical trouble?

Below, you will find a list of relevant e-mail addresses that could be useful should your class or you as a class representative have trouble with webpages that are out of function or if you have questions about OsloMet’s digital platforms or other technical issues.

Reading lists –
Library system
TP – timetable and room
Digital student

4.3 Who can you always contact?

The student democracy system of OsloMet consists of four levels. Study program level (the class representatives), the student council, the student faculty council and the student parliament. We always recommend you try solving matters at the lowest level, but should you need help you can reach out to:

The Student council – a board of class representatives at your department who can assist you on matters related to your study program.

The Student Faculty Council – assists in all matters that can be relevant for all students at the faculty.

Student Parliament – the highest level of student representation at OsloMet. Can assist on matters that are relevant for all students at OsloMet. You can contact the student parliament if you are a student, a class representative or a board member in the student council. Should you have any questions or need some sort of assistance, please send an e-mail to:

5.0 Student Politics

If there is something you and your class are interested in, you can have a look at the ongoing cases and policies we are working on. The Student Parliament has several resolutions and political documents that can be relevant for your work.

Moreover, as the highest level of student representation at OsloMet, always seek new politically interested people to join us.

If you have any questions, please send us an e-mail at

Political documents

Political document on education, research and innovation